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Insider Beauty Tips For Flawless Foundation
Achieving flawless foundation is a skill worth perfecting to achieve incredible, healthy-looking skin.
Young female applying a red lipstick in the back seat of a car
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What It's Like Creating a Business

The battle with self-doubt we have when starting something new – and how easy it is for well-meaning friends and family to reinforce that feeling

S2 Ep1: Sustainability in Cosmetics

What is sustainability in cosmetics & skincare? What are the assumptions about sustainable products? What should you be on the look-out for? How has Briony created a sustainable brand that is kind to the environment?

The Business of Beauty

Briony Kennedy is the Founder and CEO of Adorn Cosmetics. Adorn is an all-natural skincare and makeup brand, that aims to nourish your skin and protect the planet.

The Great Resignation: How to Keep Team Members Engaged

The pandemic has seen hordes of employees decide they want better for themselves. As remote working and the time and space to reflect on what makes us tick, have combined - we’ve seen the Great Resignation haunt many workplaces. So how, as business owners, do we hang on to our people?

When the side-hustle becomes the full-time gig: How to Make the Ultimate Transition

Have you ever wondered how a booming business came into existence? The answers are usually much less glamorous than you imagine. In this episode, Briony gives us a detailed insight into exactly how she took Adorn from side-hustle to beauty sensation and tips for how you can make your side-hustle a full-time gig.

Sustainability & Small Business: Doing Good Is Good Business

Often as small business owners, incorporating sustainable practices can feel out of reach financially and practically. Or, we feel if we’re not practicing sustainability perfectly, then we’re failing. Yet, none of these things are true. In this episode, we explore the imperfectly perfect approach to sustainability that’s so important for our planet and businesses.