How to Use Concealer Without Accentuating Lines

Always wanted to know how to effectively apply concealer without accentuating lines or clumping makeup? Briony gives you all the inside information using Adorn Vegan & Cruelty Free Concealer. 


1. Foundation First:

Start with foundation to address most flaws before applying concealer.

2. Choosing the Right Concealer:

Consider your skin tone and specific concerns.
For dark circles, a peachy-toned concealer is effective.
Match concealer to your foundation for a seamless look.

3. Puffy Eyes Consideration:

Choose a concealer matching your skin tone to minimize puffiness.
Avoid light concealers that can enhance the appearance of puffiness.


4. Lines and Wrinkles:

Understand that no product eliminates wrinkles.
Apply concealer strategically to cover dark circles without emphasizing lines.

5. Application Technique:

Apply concealer in the dark corner of the eyes.
Gently blend with the ring finger, avoiding heavy blending.
Extend concealer slightly onto the cheekbone for a natural transition.
Address redness around the tear ducts and nose.

6. Setting and Oily Skin:

Use a minimal amount of oil control setting powder if you have oily skin.
Set with a large brush to prevent settling in lines.

7. Additional Tips:

Add concealer to the Cupid's bow for a lifted lip appearance.
Use concealer on the top eyelids for a matte eyeshadow base.
Avoid applying moisturizer around the eyes before concealer.



Hi, I'm Briony Kennedy, the founder of Adorned Cosmetics, and today I wanted to discuss concealer. We get asked a lot about how to apply concealer and what is the most suitable concealer, especially under the eye area. So you've probably noticed that I have popped some concealer on just to save some time because I'd like to just show you where to put it when you're trying to disguise your under-eye circles. But it's important to note first that when you are trying to conceal the eye area, or you're wanting to wear any type of eye makeup, my recommendation is that you do not put any moisturizers or eye cream on your eye area at all, so you can save that for the evening. But when you want to wear eye makeup, the best thing to do is to start with a really nice matte base. And being that the eyes are the oiliest part of the face, it is going to prevent your eye makeup lasting as long as it can if you just load that up with more moisturizer or eye cream. So start with moisturizing your face, leave the eye area, and then you can apply your concealer.

Now, you'll notice that I've got my makeup on, so it's always better to apply your foundation first because you'll find that that gets rid of most of your flaws. So popping concealer on first is just going to waste time. So, concept' then the concealer under the eyes. Now, there's a couple of options for me because my area is just a flat surface but dark circles. The peachy slick concealer in our mineral and organic range is really, really effective for dark circles and black. So, anything sort of in here and around this area here, that is absolutely perfect for if you are somebody who maybe has quite a tanned skin and you're quite white under the eyes. Some more that peachy sort of color tone or more that red freakily skin tone that you're quite white under the eyes. I would recommend choosing a foundation and a concealer that matched. So, if you're the medium tan in our range, you might likely be the medium concealer. Okay, it comes in the same pot but it's going to correct that difference in it being so white and obviously so tanned on the skin.

If you have really, really olive skin, and the same thing applies, then I would suggest using our medium olive concealer. Okay, because that is going to be a better correction for you under the eye area. But if you're fairly fair-skinned or like myself, I can use medium olive, but it's more that the surface is flat here, and it's dark circles, and there's not too much of a color difference between under my eyes and my skin. The peaches like corrective concealer is really, really fantastic for that. So basically what I'm saying is if your skin tone is a lot darker than under here's you're quite white here compared to your face, then the best option may be to go for a concealer that's the same color as your foundation. Okay, now if you have puffy eyes, the same thing applies. So anything that's light will make things look bigger. So if you go for a light concealer or the peach asleep concealer, and you have really puffy or the saggy eyes, then it is going to enhance it. So you want to choose a concealer that's the same color as your skin tone because you want to minimize puffiness by going for a slightly darker concealer, not enhance it.

So it goes without saying that for those of you that have a lot of lines under the eyes, and nothing gets rid of wrinkles. Okay, no products get rid of wrinkles unless you decide to go and have some cosmetic procedures. Okay, nothing will eliminate them. So it's finding a fine line between covering your dark circles and not accentuating your creases or your smile lines. So don't feel hell-bent on trying to cover wrinkles because you just can't. Okay, so let's just lay that to bed. So getting back to the concealer application, now the best thing to do is apply it right in the corner here where we're quite dark, and then using your ring finger. I'll just like to apply it like an eye cream, and I'm not going to blend it too, but I just popped a small amount on, and I follow this orbital bone just here or the eye socket. Okay, I don't go into this area here because that's where we do have our smile lines, and I don't want to accentuate those. I just want to cover the dark circles.

Okay, I've got wrinkles, I can't hide them, so there's no point in trying. Then what I do is I bring the concealer slightly down onto the cheekbone. Okay, just popping concealer here can sometimes make it look more obvious because you've got two different times. So bring it down a little bit onto the cheekbone where you've got Foundation, and the two will blend beautifully together and seamlessly look like they're an extension of each other. Okay, then what I do is I pop a little bit here because we're usually quite red there from the tear ducts. Okay, and I also then extend the concealer down around the nose and down around my smile lines here because anything that looks lighter will look bigger, and so I want the crease around my nose to look a little bit, obviously a little bit more full there, so I'm not, I don't have such a dark indentation there. And the same with this smile line. So what I do now with the PGC is I just use the warmth of my finger. You can use brushes, but I just feel that you get a much, much better application because the warmth of your finger soaks that in. And you can see all those slight that it has covered that dark circle. Okay, and now what I'm going to do and it's also gotten rid of the redness there. And now I'm going to warm up the beach down here around my nose. Okay, perfect if you've got holes around your nose which I do from squeezing when I was younger. And if you're quite open here in the nose area, I would also pop a bit of concealer in there as well. Okay, yes, it's not so red and obvious. Okay, so you can see that that's just given a nice, very gentle, very natural lift to this side of my face. Okay, so I don't want to focus on any of the concealer in here because it may crease throughout the day.

Now, if you have exceptionally oily skin, you could opt to applying a very small amount of our oil control setting powder. Okay, not a lot because obviously you don't want the powder to settle in the lines, but what you're wanting to do is prevent it from moving where you've applied it. So use a really big brush, maybe the Adorned blush brush. Okay, something that's quite big, so it's going to give a really light application of that loose powder to set that down. Okay, so what you can also do is if you wanted to, you could pop a little bit of concealer just a little tip on the top of your Cupid's bow here, and what that's going to do is just give more of an upturned lip, make this Cupid's bow more prominent, make the top of them look a little bit bigger as well. So when I go now to put a lipstick on or a gloss, that area is going to have the appearance that it's more sort of turned up. Okay, so you can pop a bit of concealer there.

With concealing anywhere else on the face, it is always best to use the same color as your foundation. So generally speaking, you may need to if you're using the peachy sleep, which is a corrective salmon-colored concealer, it corrects black. It may not be ideal for those that have a darker skin on the face because it is a corrective concealer. So you may need to, if you've got fair skin, you may be able to use it. But anything that's on the face, you can gently conceal just using either an earbud or a finger. So hopefully that's helped with concealing and understanding how to conceal and when to conceal. If you wanted to, you could even use concealer on the top of your eyes to give a really nice matte eyeshadow. You would need to seal that down with some oil control setting powder, and it just gives you a really nice base or a really nice nude-looking eyeshadow. But again, just recapping, make sure that there's no moisturizer around the eyes before you put any sort of concealer or eye products on. So hopefully that's helped you with concealing, and I look forward to sharing more tips with you shortly.

2021-07-05 07:21:00
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