Personal Styling for your Professional Brand

Briony Croft stops by to discuss her points for personal styling and discussing the must have items.

Your Image and why you should care more about it 
Image and the psychology of image. 
The concept of you are what your wear.
Behind each individual is a story, help people understand the story by communicating who you are.
Personal Branding - we all have one.
Fashion vs Style
Fashion is following. Style is influencing. 
The Golden Ratio - the mathematical equation that creates harmony and proportion in all that mother nature does,
Creating a long term sustainable wardrobe.

you're listening to the briny Kennedy lifestyle is brought to you by doing because critics at the start at seven all of the Brian Kennedy lifestyle of course I've got my I don't John how are you things did so I think going to be turning your passion control business I might shoot you even I think that's okay because I think it does bring anything at Argos the law is sure all I take the next step with these sort of areas I think we can go through that might be a little bit helpful get people started but I think it's K. that we go restoring whether these %HESITATION I do your musical one all is it something that reminds me if it's really something that you can start with your %HESITATION I think that's the case isn't it whether or not you want me right your writings Flowserve horn button might need your type that lead to be a florist in and that isn't something that you can translate to being home being on the line doing because I think stress is %HESITATION the fundamental thing is as you know acting up business starting business in not relaxing so you're going to feel a passion I had for these things %HESITATION just give me a fact that you're going through the machinations of running a business with it so I think it was a little late absolutely I think it's that you know you've got a hobby that's might be something that's in the creating spice %HESITATION you know what color coloring with my job was pretty sure no longer buying what I'm creating sorry you know I think it's about getting clear on your right actually my love what did you say go doing I think the first step is do you want to take the next step and in our room you need to have the courage to ask okay with that you think there is some merit in what you're doing and Oscar brought you don't want someone I think that's just going to tell you what you want no no no you just need to get very clear on whether this is something that other people going to Bahrain to you whether it's a it's a service or eats a product %HESITATION I think the next thing is that your absolutely adamant that he is going to work because I just I don't everybody your great before I was doing that would wear it when I started it on the Chinese guard %HESITATION but I just knew in my gut that would work and my passionate kind from enjoying applying my couples very much like coloring and then they started that whole doing someone waiting or changing people how to put my Cup on it was a great way of giving back but I actually from a therapeutic enjoyed it and the unity and also on a cell phone it's not like you wear makeup artists and then decided to create a costly right you had on your business so you can tell and you had had that contact custom is essential balloon ball with it what types of products we needed %HESITATION what was it wasn't real ingredients where some of these things so you had a real strong bicycle engine comes from all levels and and you also have to trust anyone just to book customer loyalty mansion built you know great customer loyalty programs for your cell phone you know so you don't like you just kind of going up one morning and said I'm gonna die something like about as to starting because many hello hello the joint pain it was definitely true he was a great honor until three years okay without even realizing it you're exactly why I had that as an opportunity to sort of get a bit of clarity and and some understanding about what would work in my work and you know obviously then later on that because things into play now if that's not your situation right here in a corporate environment that you enjoy %HESITATION a stall of hunting or something like that again trending things are subjective I think it's still important then if you don't have the ability to test something else do you have to find a group or someone that's going to give you some some solid straight back around what you're doing %HESITATION and then how that translates into a business or you could be very very good at your thing but are you going to be very good at translating that into a business and we can have the best skill set whatever that hobbies absolutely and everything else and you know and it could even be legalized slot which you don't have to get out there and then you start to think might be it's crap but it's not as you don't have to get out there this summer many fundamentals all in a meeting someone from a passion to a business but I think the case for me is I kind of recognized her passion and you want to do more with less I think he then nature get very clear on what that means is this going to be something that you were just happy to during and %HESITATION tied to the old market %HESITATION %HESITATION and that's what you want to jury that is fine get clear on that if you want to turn this into something that you can get rid of your corporate job or you were actually turned it into a long two million dollar business get clear on that and then you work back from that what do you want to look like at the end and then you work back from that and sorry and so some very simple questions that white if you just want to keep it as a bit of a passion with some passive income not not too much needs to go into that but if you want to turn it into something that X. is in exchange for your career thank you nature then obviously replicate the mind at your in your career with this new passion sorry how are you going to achieve that so it's looking at what the money would you need to stop the business as well as to supplement your income at some point when you do leave it sorry I think the mayor was bad hi all I'm comfortable with this amount of debt the mail I did want to take it to a business level %HESITATION I don't go very comfortable with what we did all right all I could handle everything yet and I think this I mean little documents on our you are either going to go through a bit more detail but I think the overarching thing of all I would recommend anybody is that you need to get clean with that too because once you know your what your date is that you're comfortable with and while I worked at was all I worked out what I know I'm with people I went to work as a savior will something for someone else and how long it I would be prepared to go back to Europe to rearm hello my people get into work for pay back that debt so in my head or school I'm I'm comfortable we accumulating enough did that if it took me five years of working and having a lot still but being a reply back with that date was and then I worked out well it could be because I had that number in my head I was not on a diet of bike di bisa stinky holy sheets are just spent a hundred dollars on these or thousand dollars on these these are money in the bank this week is going to borrow from heat a very very clean because everybody's got a different level of comfort and risk management and you need to know if there's anything that gets you very clear about your personality around the stock it's it's it's this financial stress I can't we are very very clear at the beginning what your level of tech companies and then once you've got that you can then where cats are trying to work in the parameters of these and you find a less stress on the journal because you've already set that goal rather than them just one point that is that is such good advice and I think you know if you've got a partner as well I think the two of you understanding what that is and then getting United to support all of their game at bankers two right this is where we live what a great thing to throw it %HESITATION and did it twice in that we can absorb %HESITATION based on where all the commitments to the court if my hand held a teenage kids in school phase and goodness knows what else will I Jim here is you're going to help after learning things you have to take in consideration that going completely untainted %HESITATION the intune you know I love the pop color I still going to be %HESITATION wonderful is I think just a recipe for disaster thank you bye and I'm like you just said is I think that it gets cleared you are but you can sit outside then not until some sense of control over what is happening and where the money is being spent and as long as like oh my god if this was far Brandi's mom you've got that whole twelve months to sort of work around what you can afford I mean without scaring everybody in our nine out of ten businesses in the Thursday night dark lost eighty is very very slow and it's very difficult I don't know that it's always just because of the business I think it seems that the cash for was not articulated aware down Barkley and I think that %HESITATION it's possibly the person doing it the right people around I'm a big believer in getting people around you that are listening you want certain things %HESITATION mostly I weren't cleanup okay aren't S. analogy around risk and that's usually what has been down all day by comp card with it so I get very clear on that %HESITATION I thought it just puts a little touch points of some things that you just a six stop it doesn't cost really anything to sort of get together so even if you sort of wondering what do you want to do anything or not it lease get clear about setting these things up correctly and now if the artisan columns of triangle so I thought I got through that and excellent we couldn't have a bit of discussion about that so I think the first steps aside from what we just discussed ease again discussing with your accounts and you've got one you know is these particular %HESITATION passions slash business one that you even need truth broke because they could be an instance where it might be your passion is to reduce waste and you sell secondhand things on the market place or maybe you start writing things that harm %HESITATION my deductibles diraja garage styles might maybe it's that kind of thing %HESITATION I know you people that sell parts and things like that in your lives a certain amount of things you're allowed to sell before that he can become something that you need to climb so get clear on that because you might not need to pay tax on most things %HESITATION my you mentioned before about a fan when I went online voice all night he's never type of boss from anyone that doesn't have what you are trying to achieve %HESITATION and I know that sounds quite ruthless but why wouldn't strike advice from someone helped you might get kinda doesn't eight stories that hold all that look what do they have to bring to the table to actually keep it like walking the walk Charlie %HESITATION you don't wanna financially because that's just you know learning out of these at least I don't think that's of any help you were old %HESITATION so when IBM if you make that get that registered need to be registered for GST probably not the first year return because you turn into an arborist I need nothing is less now the fifty or sixty whatever it is whatever the amount is you go to and we need to hi Jim this is right %HESITATION so then that means if you're not registered projects in charge at all either sorry to bear that in mind %HESITATION separate bank accounts absolutely definitely %HESITATION bank account so you can take an idea on what is going in and out insurances you are are you doing something that's a personal %HESITATION partner might be hiding behind waxing his cell art or whatever needs might be you are promoting your products in someone else's property or the market place you need to have certain insurances in case someone trips I've seen so you're stuck in the auger traces I don't remember my face I looked around I just signed up because I had so many things going on doing my job well I was doing that all actions and someone tripped behind me spelling to me and the choice is always holding like really truly just millimetres from all I did was I was only the bright stars on the winning side and the look on their faces it was such a close call when you nearly one hour prior I have decided to ban all right but I'm buying short backs was opened to a cold when I was working from when someone loses a lot well you got it you got I think I sort of give you some cash for spreadsheet you need to call one of ours to get out very simple what money's coming in and what's going out that easy the most important thing that you will if I need to get a grip on and you need to get our crystal meth for at least the first renewal sorry because cash for ease king again have profitable you off you got my money coming in my knee the people that are you money you didn't but you know collecting ending time maybe your spending money on these wanting it out from the first two things don't make your internal strife so you need to keep an idea of what's coming in and what's going out and when I delete when you're any money you want up front when you're spending it trying to live as much as you can %HESITATION deep business rock nine obviously you need to get that registered again is that something that you want to drink it's just been a hobby of passive money might need to I need to do that register your social accounts stories if you want to type things on it she talks and things like that but also get clear on what social %HESITATION it's going to work to get you started what demographic it's a younger demographic are we to talk if it's someone who's like a hospital sure maybe Facebook and Instagram I'm sorry you don't have a look at that because you don't want to be disarmed it's not working for me when the mind just providing something along we really need to understand what your audience is absolutely what you all yeah yeah that's it I mean look I tell you once you got there is basic things sort of set up wait where are you now going to start working in %HESITATION I. D. or your business and for me it was markets it was a vents are you cooking vegan events single event your drink of it there's an event for everything so get yourself yet they hard work bloody hard work I think you can even use it back in the diet health your ground with a few hours with many color matching a wine Boston beer is good my blending brush that yeah thank you you've got to hi you know because you gotta walk the walk and you go to do the hard yards so it seems that the market's opinions networking events %HESITATION you know it's just one of many people you have to go and speak to everyone in the ring one good connection you join our way that's going to give sure such a great learning opportunity to because even though you know they are exhausting walking along you come why your local mall for ten minutes speaking to anyone %HESITATION you didn't look at them as learning opportunities either from a business to business prospecting %HESITATION business to customer %HESITATION because you can really find the knock it intends all you know what you need to be signed by you I'm willing to get clear on it because I don't understand what you do %HESITATION and then you'll explain it to them and they might actually say something back to you that actually reading from what you do really well let you go on there what that down on that and you just I %HESITATION I checked but yet to get real insight from customers I think and give me because you're not gonna turn that into an article social parties that will resonate with somebody else so just really look at those things as learning opportunities as much as they are just it's crunch time C. M. is this strength in vulnerability I think we have the impulse to sing drive by old people gonna judge me they know I'm not good enough to be doing this it's embarrassing to say the %HESITATION I think I'm capable of these kids she's honestly don't worry about it because everybody that's in some form of successful business started out in a very vulnerable started and you don't get anywhere without asking questions and that's something I'm trying to teach my kids there's no restricted question there's only strip it in resin Allstate sorry you know he he he is sorry money resources and I think if you are vulnerable people generally I think the Northstar battery side of them do you want to start your own you can type it up why not look at looked in our work done differently %HESITATION nor is it the way you do things on my V. RG isn't always going to be the right ones and I think that's important our company going business are you gonna be out of it pretty quickly %HESITATION going through a couple of but I think that the are you all transitioning on the columns and there might be some some steps are as a brand what you can do you when you're transitioning between making money and taking that might go to jail but you want to take that leap because that's scary okay showed the biggest hurdle if you don't have a support because they they don't want you to convince them that you can afford to take the slaves I back that I mean all right as as you all this time we've been supporting that I think that K. what we do to be honest %HESITATION Richard Gere full but not everybody's in that situation so I think that the price of all city school year would be is that your passion and enjoyment becomes something that you do each and every day and then you know which we know is that you get joint resent getting up and that is just absolutely amazing to be able to drink that I think the pace office deal with that you get from that is also amazing because you feel that you're saving even if it's not it was for everybody in your %HESITATION you know we old guard to act right not everybody has what they did is a curry the only thing that happens you know when you just been ease that you ought to have regrets you dying and I think it's about doing things things that make you feel whole %HESITATION turning your passion into your job or business sorry brother he's about sixty billion control power also means that you don't plan on going to get more time you'll have less bite so that so let's get that straight to the flexibility makes you feel like you want to work more young minds because you know he can do it when you want on your terms as opposed to someone telling you correct sixty hours trying whatever ease you don't mind that's me personally %HESITATION you get to monetize the skills obviously I tried quite fully the potential of growth and success is always an amazing feeling when you comes when someone buys %HESITATION spend their money with you your very first style is such a beautiful affirmation that you're doing the right thing someone believes in you there is nothing better than that %HESITATION but it's also about sorry jackals I mean two night they on having bring wait okay and then just now I think looking at just some some columns of things and then we can get more needy greedy how you might want these are happy to get these things to market sort you need to expect an increased pressure on thank you and demands like you I know we have now this day and then probably frustrating was something my meal absolutely loving yes things different questions but when you don't have anyone to blame for what might be going wrong that can be a very soul destroying and it could be very very difficult for some people navigate %HESITATION you need to be very clear that the box stops with you get all the wicks because of you or because of you and it doesn't matter whether you can point someone you got the wrong product %HESITATION the wrong color trying whatever the reason these it all falls back on you so you need to be ever accepts the pressure all around things going wrong and pressured the enamel on you're gonna have to invest into these because it's a lot more than probably what you think is especially if you want this to be an actual business I mean any mistake speaking here my goal thank you I mean they would turn out like I mean causing what you won't find it it combines state schools you might lawyers in the state so if you don't know if you've been using steaks if you might be wrong you know the world's technology involved on the ground the stock on the site yet but I but I do believe being %HESITATION styling fast and and just getting on with it really quickly like I'd rather just choose something else %HESITATION I'm not one that sits here and and plans things to the nth degree because I think Tom he's the wise purchasing %HESITATION especially in society now that things are just changing by the second and so you need to jump on things pretty quickly so I don't spend too much time testing things out are just getting them it doesn't work my calculator based overseas not to wear googles %HESITATION but let's just get in and see what happens and then move on but monumental amount of mistakes you know whether it's bang %HESITATION maybe not going to walk us in particular world %HESITATION wrong platforms which cost me a lot of money for the white Sox %HESITATION can gene but you can search the to get a product that had to go with that %HESITATION in order it could have been a number of different things is just being stored much it's it's and it is an example of the things I've done wrong you know the sleep studies did you just got to get on and just I kind of wanted now and is not bad it's just an outcome that yeah absolutely %HESITATION big prepared all financial uncertainty and this is a call center or use our deals around what your dates %HESITATION companies but they will also be a financial uncertainty as to some weeks as as others might be a bit more some voice sometimes you got all this I think that comes back to understanding what cash for mains as opposed and profitability the biggest mistake I see me it would have come to make the business advice is I sent all my business is profitable and then I look up their reports and there is no cash for the %HESITATION and there's also things that seat you know Hey you know on the balance sheet darn seat on a cash or like for example requirements on the top %HESITATION the requirements on the cuff guards to your balance sheet the interest that you pay on the car seats in you paying now sorry it will be all hang on I can see that are confident but with all my money gone it's been reducing it down your balance sheet on the scale J. watch but get clear on that Google it what is cash for a modest profitability what is known in the N. L. %HESITATION what's you know balance sheet and you need to be very clear on that because I think part of that game %HESITATION that's where I really got very clear on that point that I didn't know I myself I was very much like Blair ease all my money going %HESITATION it looks like at my house and told but I actually just put some of my own money into these business wait where the hell's the thousand dollars and it was simply because I hadn't taken into account in the panel the refinements beside the comp replacements for the credit card so anything that's a physical liability that comes off your balance sheet because those things are considered a liability you were choosing your debt in the liability so the five hundred dollars or whatever spin on the copies in the balance she's got nothing to do with the pain now and so it is the money that's been going on not being realizing sorry you need to look at cash bar was buying interest repayments expenses absolutely everything absolutely everything out and I think that's the only thing you need to really get clear on when you start your own thing %HESITATION I think also balancing your creativity with the commercialization of what you're doing you need to be outside tonight is the dying or doing my painting tomorrow is the diet might not work on social yeah trying get very clear around that absolutely crucial and because you can spin your wheels just you know getting distracted by things that you must get done now the always those things you doing it welcome but you do really have to lock your time over the course but especially if you have a family %HESITATION and hang you manage your time and you know it might be you know maybe two days a week that you type paintings %HESITATION one day they will have to you do that morning it means %HESITATION the day you start doing social media or you know what everybody is trying to stick to the burn out potential is huge in here just running my music before you just churning the wheel and look yeah I need to be a Joni is trying to get but but had some structural %HESITATION because otherwise you're just going to feel constantly that everything injuries not enough you will be we can't keep thinking all computers you got not spending time on the business then you're in the business so it's been it's out with the kids I think you can give yourself that clarity around when and where and with whom you're going to spend your time will be more prisons now I think it's also important at this point that when you are looking at changing something amazing something interesting business there are going to be opportunity cost of things that you need to be prepared to do that is it in our weekends out with the girls is it actually no I'm or I I don't know what is that I just think there's certainly things are funny areas we think we should be traveling we should be going out with friends we should be exercising there's going to be made on these kids twenty something's gotta give and you need to be very clear on what authorities areas in your prepared to just go by the wayside for a little while you can note it will look it's impossible %HESITATION finally because I wouldn't have any of the stocks that are you know what I mean I think it's just you just you just can't do it all %HESITATION so I think the the the the the partisan columns but I I don't want anyone to ever under estimate that the money that goes into starting a business something whatever you want to call it light weight captivity allow for mistakes might be double what you think it makes sense to me and also when you're talking about time management before %HESITATION we told some cost cost always allow for an extra hour in the morning for a cold sort of meltdown moments and that could be mined you can't separate the business sorry I always get up an hour early before everybody else does so I can get my my collect my thoughts get me ready first yeah looked online did the extra L. walking along but I because it's worth it it's worth it the only time that I've done that I've regretted it yeah you just end up putting pressure on yourself back in the day %HESITATION because you're playing catch up full time and you just need to feel lucky if you get a huge strides will be in the moment to be able to make decisions or think things old six process is or what it was going to happen because you're going to go in the back when you should be doing these and you just fine and you just need to end up specially if you are a woman you end up paying for with giggles because it's not all this is melted this morning so that when the each child will Johnny's come to you and then you snap at them and then the rest of the day you don't fight because you're feeling guilty about stopping each all for whatever reason or vice versa might be hung up on someone because you know you're giving attention to something else I think you need a layout that extra time in the morning you can then start this week in nature and you're not gonna spend your diet going guilty about things you didn't are you all right you didn't think she could have been doing at the end of the day ECG to talk on a daily and it did he sacked by you know you could pass along if you can all these days five yeah do you exercise or you know whatever it is you're doing minute stretch %HESITATION and then get into it well here's a fact pretty much for four o'clock my stars on the box that's more in the afternoon yeah after the for me as soon as soon as I get home with a story three thirteen full would have husband who being jostled the kids so that some of which is great but the main whenever I get time I have a ritual and to turn all I have to have a Bosch %HESITATION it takes normal time of morning at home for now what I have seen it Warsaw when you feel stressed all the drink water swimming Wardrop seeking more out wash water that's one of my things it's like sitting in the box okay all my make up off John was arguing not reaching at three o'clock and didn't I feel like my switch on to the family so I much better as well and then even if I have to do a few business things like that no I don't mind because I know I've been a Mormon in the last few hours take a moment I think to be one of the other questions that I get all these %HESITATION how do you why and when do I know you're in transition between my career my job during these or these things and I don't know that anyone can really answer them for you I think it's a little bit of a late vice I'm having a little bit of money behind you of course if you've got the flexibility true may be doing you staying on the line not very early in the morning so you can continue your curry I'm all can you negotiate optonline %HESITATION %HESITATION you have to accept that for a period of time you are you are going to be tried and you need to take on extra things to hide all your future business like for example when I want to get a dorm on board and we had no money I do not have another role at a company we were alone on my husband's wife age but what I. D. degree because I couldn't do much during the day I had twin boys only nine months old sorry not much you can do what I did when my husband was harden or around that was I thought about Jesus hello my passive income to put a white to put towards a dorm so what I would do ease all right when and you know people like slick truck we stick the kids in the double pram like click drop that %HESITATION I will tell you ten years ago nothing works everywhere now %HESITATION did battle sorry to say that we we don't see it and so they don't have people dropping off they don't select thank you I thank almighty every time you shop at all entry di the hook she didn't want to whitewash was aware of the issue wasn't working yes and then I had people dropping off dogs that some that will bring it isn't a very precious but they don't %HESITATION and then I went on holiday so I made extra money by dog sitting dog walking I never thought anyone would come to the house to get the beauty treatments like you said before I had to be someone so then I get back out of the pram and been doing a leaflet drop around the beauty services and then before long I couldn't live action people wanting to come to the house Judiciary but sorry sorry hero was boxing boxing Beijing's %HESITATION what works in the dining room the dining room table trust me I have to start over with me when I was learning to do I'm an oldies watchful girlfriends impossible drawing title this is just to be which is law itself but if you watch sorry I would do all these beauty treatments to the door and I didn't get back that one could you please check yeah I'm sorry it was looking at things all I was capable of doing %HESITATION to mind that extra income yes I was bloody hard time with all of these things but I just have to microwave and the money that I might went striding through producing what I could to talk which was a don't say no I don't see any office and there was even a point where as things got busy are unemployed in ninety one died away sorry the money I made from the waxing pine the ninety for the day so that all I could then work on the business side you need to expect that there's going to be a long period of time before in fact for many or think we know and use our intake white from a dorm that's just like what acceding to your mom is a looks sorry but you know because I'm trying to create something quite be you not everybody my goal is to go down that track but you do need to look at all the while he's on the you can you cite money will have to make some extra money you know it to give up the job it's our job as I start okay it is it really I don't think anyone can really appreciate being you know a colossal %HESITATION I mean as you said when you build up you know and company and I'm in a large well known brand no regardless Oregon is that you are doing only one still on the job handling you know the extent and the mines spice %HESITATION ease the mental toughness it is it really is and trying to be crazy I mean I had a situation when I was writing children's books and it was it was you know the whole thing is what what else could you generate income and I would go and do school visits and you know we go on grade level and run activities and lighting exercise with the children from kindergarten through grade six and and then you start getting creative about how you can do that is producing my own learning tools and you know each patient materials branching off I'm just trying to use every bit of disclosing and making it easy for people to buy from you yes I don't think that's the next thing isn't really it's about helping you make the simple the price is decision making from their perspective thank you SO one as an easy absolutely and I think you need to break it to you you're going to go out and %HESITATION put yourself on the line a little meat because you contemplate other people to do that for you and even if you can and it might be you got these amazing our dear and you want to take it to market getting dressed as that's that's that's a different kettle as not for everybody and it definitely wasn't so many %HESITATION if you want to do this by yourself you need to get really clear on goal get some extra challenges skill sets that might mean you haven't always had a right you got to get a great app it just stopped somewhere because I think so many a lot of war on our now with lands on the on the job %HESITATION through all the different stages of a dorm but I'm very grateful for it because now running it at a store that seniority level %HESITATION I understand every fundamental aspect of the business of someone's comes to me and said look this packaging is not feeling well we can't use this machine all I know is because I was feeling the products are entering things on to the website always out there selling %HESITATION I was teaching classes in people's hearts had a jury might have to color match so you brought from the customer perspective true true team ho yeah he's more all the things that I might be experiencing I think that being really Katie for Austrian transition and doing things as well as wind op because all I have to talk about in the store what's been happening at all levels sorry I think this is a really good advantage if you can have a bit of a taste of everything but like you said look at all the wise that you to branch out from your product or your service %HESITATION is this something free that you can talk to give people a bit of a taste of what you journey like you're reading your books and your kids what horrible yeah it's that kind of thing you know get out there because you have a great onto your no one knows about it so you do have to get clear on hang on the Senate all how are you going to establish yourself how are you going to run these and how old is it gonna find you and and in the right places what does best the first twelve months stress stress stress management and then I think the first teenager can mean that it goes five uses going to going to the school year %HESITATION to get this to a level of pain %HESITATION you know profitable business that you'll comfortable in again it's just a passive income that's quite charming I think it's important Jack I think you and I we don't a lot of events together on our when we make a welcome sight also I mean I'm just a mom hi all I just doing research and all that just nonsense just anything like you you're as long as you're happy could give a rat's what you don't know they should drink it's not about it's not competition who's got the most hostile questions total because this is about passion and this is the whole point concept is that it's about passion so where do you want to type it is not right or wrong but just not worry anyone we want to try to get this going to be cars and construction part tions can be comfortable with those of what point you are you alive trying but it is the goals you trying to change what the personal financial situation situations %HESITATION all these things you have to be taken into consideration and you have to try and some help %HESITATION find a middle ground on the stand at ease %HESITATION and you you know you might be subject to a lot of people do it and you just at the end I have to learn from it so you know I think there is also that point Winnie you know this would be the other thing that you know people I'm sure you did how far do you go where is the act in a way that you can get something to calling it a lot I'm you can read the last minute before you get on that boat I'm looking to get on the wall and then I suppose that is impossible anything and not saying that as Daria if you do have to get off the lawn because string get string thing and in doing something for you know it's it's hot just like a bond or relationship psychologist like watching you know yet business are more I was working for someone who needs you and you have to you know just keep doing something just for the sake of it %HESITATION you don't bring anything to anybody and every string in giving out there just trying you know this isn't wrong I think this start many successful entrepreneurs out there that have had started the fire %HESITATION businesses and I don't let that define let's just get on record that you want to write for my income and move on to something else %HESITATION so I think that's really important not to you thank you so so you're listening to this and might be you are in the trenches and you just start not you know maybe you need to look at all the areas of the business why isn't working and just lost the passion you need shoes online on a main tool that can help because it is going away that's the other thing it's widely when you've got a a passionate or do year in and maybe other people don't quite get what you're doing so that's it and he's going to find someone that you could share that we %HESITATION and and not look at the business from an individual point of view H. area because it locked a that there's just something that he's not your skill set striking it down and it's tiring and that's convincing you to lick Darwin my needs you just found the solution for that you would be reinvigorated and how will some of these studies %HESITATION control possibilities you know back when we were young ladies if you want an extra income really the only thing you could do was occupied by insinuation %HESITATION integral Tupperware and things like that so %HESITATION now you can bar you can walk you can sell on market prices you can Mike things for one XCO sparks frenzied now but anyway this tiny ways you can make money now it's amazing I think it's starting for a lot of the younger kids especially that might be %HESITATION dialogue the academics arts school maybe I will create needs and I want to go out and change things are %HESITATION in our don't be scared because this are many more affordable wise of testing out what you want to drink before you check these nasty boy what you know for example say if you do break it all you do in order to get you see and so you had these ID bringing in almost all %HESITATION go and get a job in my title yes %HESITATION including shop brand the what were you looking to teach your you know because you're gonna get to know the customs well I mean without the risk of having a bond that is this fucking headlines along with somebody else your any money for stocks are you actually ending you know %HESITATION and come enjoy learning at the same time about that is this you wanted to be and it's a great wife you would catch easy something I really want to be in the space industry so %HESITATION %HESITATION I think that's you know you might love designing colors model of making clothes but do you think you could actually be in that and then you might spend you know six old six to twelve months working for retail clothing brand and dealing with customers made complaints about Hey that would be set everything else staying overnight there's nothing I mean I mean I did a politics degree you need and I'm not in business and in politics but you know I came and you know you need to change the common house and was built in twelve months doing an internship %HESITATION went new yeah I not like these back to school to learn of the sea shell and gave me the ability to go ahead and watch children's books that I'm doing two hundred and twenty three one thing is honesty to you on a speaker on the screen Michael also okay %HESITATION yeah so I think that that is again you know if you are going to have to supplement your income goal and work some yeah and you don't have to reinvent the wheel yeah I know a lot of the comments are gone when I wanted to start a dorm was you get one network marketing thing all winter you know sitting next to me so I bought myself shall meet so why are non cosmetic brands and she looks looked at me and she said what sorry what you might find little brand on starting and she said what she can do that with this sorry many other brands around we were yeah yeah we'll see yeah I'm I mean look at the history people said that's all fine but I'm you don't have to reinvent the wheel is the point of it what a mom out here is that you can like you said we don't get the experience wherever it might be really hard I mean unless the ship they get wrong your what all those customers complaining about what services is the fabric falling apart reason why I don't know what it right absolutely I'd rather close attention to what is going wrong because it's all about customer service and if you provide a really gold service I'll see you products has to back that up and people will stay with you thank you part of the community part of the story hi at this annual solving pine point and I think that's what you just said going to get the experience whether you have to take a crack I enjoy trying for beagle old learn on the job you are starting yourself ease of use I think of it that way %HESITATION you know you don't coming out with you needed my meeting at the court the great tiny surely you got to sit there and listen and hands on experience what should you talk and that's all business he's doing something better than the last person to leave a ring on your promises and you're making sure that you know of course you're able to put the mental capacity and then Strassen even in the face of yours to keep growing yeah no I agree and and even when you do get to that point might be way you already in your business and you just feel sorry something not quite right %HESITATION am really again hunting in the old looking at what you maybe need to scale back slightly sometimes it might be that you're just going to have to southern and you're trying to do too much because someone's only shows I do these optional cities is good you know authorities are because if you did that and you just go too hard too soon when you just really going to stick style back to what the cold is what is it you're trying to do and do that really well demographically the market that you really need to don't be tempted to really heartening cool offering more products and eighties tempting I know your %HESITATION easier when you're with me we were exploring I'm a girl the opportunity potentially going to be one of the department's rules now %HESITATION very tempting of course because %HESITATION I'm in a department store it would have meant sacrificing my belief around the waist and as long as people that follow don't use it or not we don't do out of packaging so you get the lead pilot stick that's what you get the main work going into a store would have to sacrifice some of my core beliefs yes I work with my body a little bit quicker %HESITATION but you know it is about being very very clear on what your cold police saw we products and sticking to that because I'm sure he will hi all yeah yeah I'm going to turn into a massive scale all in some ways so you just couldn't even think central alliances we are %HESITATION collaborating with top ones that work in synergy because you just don't want your heart work around your brand messaging today Boston ours was someone who hasn't quite going to be intentional and that's a key thing to you know you work with someone else that's that's my municipal spice to you that you get product or service can bounce off each other that's such a %HESITATION an economic Y. evolves you know getting a doubling your audience possibly instead yeah absolutely until you sell sell your soul to the devil yeah okay yeah he's going to enhance your brains and who supports the same baseball something you do and and and and definitely doctor Massey beak influences going with some small arms that way where you still testing things in your I will get back more sorry that's what's going to be key in the first few years just to keep finding an awning at all of the crackles and threw it at a small scale like you said before you join or to be because then you want to start on speaking I'm not good it's not that simple well there's a lot in these today %HESITATION differently and again we love hearing everyone's feedback and thoughts around %HESITATION some of the topics we discuss if there's a sub topic within something that we've pulled up we feel that we can then they'll talk about that in more detail the money the oxy happy to have her alone that was well over one and a half transaction to stop myself from the start so I might have lost the Chinese well I think that's it for today thank you Bonnie that was a really great and really helpful insightful %HESITATION all costs and I think it will not agree that you will do something worthwhile takeaways it's absolutely hard we've been listening to the briny Kennedy's lifestyle it it brought to you by doing cosmetics luxury without

2023-07-03 00:18:00
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