Cooking for Good Gut Health

According to the CSIRO, at least 50% of Australians experience unpleasant gut symptoms* (*CSIRO Health & Biosecurity Report January 2019).

In our last episode of The Briony Kennedy Lifestyle Edit we discussed gut health.
In this episode we are going to discuss cooking and some recipes where you can pimp up the goodness and assist with good gut health.
Shift your mindset around cooking and gain some great new ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

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you're listening to the briny Kennedy lifestyle it is brought to you by doing cosmetics welcome to episode eleven all righty Kennedy lifestyle all things healthier cooking I don't know why I'm even in the steps are designed aren't cool %HESITATION but I have the lovely Jackie Judd sorry yeah I know I was gonna say it should be yeah this is actually the jacket my husband here because like I just you know I know if you are a good call when you want to try and make sure that you are Tom told and that as a lot of people are I am also gonna bring to unfold so are you %HESITATION I cook now is many from muscle memory the other thing I do in my sleep yeah I pretty much and also meet most of the time now if you copy having nothing will stop well I mean I think there is a certain %HESITATION I'll do that coming that is was asked fade but against the lord saw it is actually in the absence of bleeding then that doctor action I thought would be really good because we have a couple weeks ago about %HESITATION dot hills yes we spoke about the importance of got hills and how it influences our overwhelming %HESITATION that the importance of potentially going and having someone look more into any issues that you might be having all the other underlying themes on the maybe just thinking about what not before on those on those weeks and correct %HESITATION or having been the don't you can delay it the young local Indian on the market I'm going to be having inside the for making sure you always go and seek professional advice is running in portions sorry which was spoke a lot about Watson we are good foods to be having a healthy family spoke about the importance of whole foods %HESITATION the important things like you know obviously not be cheese fruit you know discussed but it might have been able thank the main exactly what I mean but you know I signed oceans %HESITATION things like spices being that can be really great anti inflammatory thank that's right and speaking of anti oxidants things like %HESITATION I got chocolate ice cream he always took things with students as well for you for health %HESITATION and then also cold gin you want to treat %HESITATION properties trees so we went through all of that needs to change if you haven't heard thanks please go back to that because I think you will find that really helpful and absolutely fine I certainly share all about doc the stories I don't yeah ducks what I'm gonna do I'm looking for surgeons I think that if anyone's life block making you just grab and garden that's pretty much how I eat %HESITATION it's about pre planning and you can still a healthy what is correct yeah so we can talk a bit more about how you can actually easily integrate all these really good things into your diet in probably things you already might be changing our minds and maybe just doing better than the whole of the pantry as well and just kind of maybe going let's construct on shore let's keep it active let's get in some of these different Thompson %HESITATION jewel changes so I kind of have %HESITATION and then apply them to meals it will be my my side this is not like turning over certain convinced the family and the good guys from having spaghetti Bolognese to eighteen in order to get you started if you're not sure all from inside I point you to some really cool things that can help you investigate what the federal tennis overall critical we need to do is just right %HESITATION the best sugar forgot health and it will come up and spit out some candidates for you to investigate Europe times re reading the backs of all these labels market lines about walk me out saying I'm you are in the nineteen think ingredients on the back of beyond I need a magnifying glass I think it's traumatic something our apple and I am but you can look at these things and you get those alternatives so that you can are you starting to talk yeah and like so I thought I might just bite the standard coming into meal times because he's the one on the right side first morning it's really important some people can't stomach breakfast so and some people have temperatures always very calm I have to have something much tell me otherwise I thanks guys get it Kok bisa so I think that people account face rex think breakfast meetings out of the seat right so it again making sure you'll wishing it just pretty much or frozen fresh yes this is gold as you rise should stop for a second sorry I'm being deluded into thinking you've got to get everything fresh it's time to turn quickly and throw in a freezer bag what you need because then you're not in cars yeah digital just lost so much longer than I was because I do I've watched it quickly before going to the doctor so I just grabbed and took my money and buy the ones from the markets that are one on the album and yet so basically these are great %HESITATION so you you know get along with this in the end she goes wrong or you just know supplements in the hello June see the greens out of other countries when you might be needing to put in so you think right and they will sink when you PC the card with the good ones I think they're a good one to take the kids so you're looking at when I was in jail what do you think and you know I think it's you don't have to and I always occur constantly off the court two fridges and I'm not even lying on age old is hard enough and they just what they're running out of ideas or just making up the swing the door open I want to do with these things so they are now and that machine in the market is almost I thought it was gonna be bored as inclined any stain on regular right it's it's a good thing that aren't even lazy to the point that is too much nonsense from a sorry %HESITATION a friend of mine said water and shoot all all you'll spring ingredients for the whole way in truth little consignments so you just joined one guard yeah whatever whatever and you can keep it in the fridge that's right has to be the first in the freezer as well if you want to insure you because then bikes Colton slash you should what that why you just dumping it and training ongoing because the whole thing for me to do that every morning so knowing Akan cart because that's just too much I don't think it's an idea H. dating from a it's it's a true many decisions hi sorry I constantly doing one guard it's much easier sorry that would be my recommendation for that definitely go with that and then we see another great %HESITATION but for some change you with your party and also now you can make at home so I bowls Tracy Campbell I can speak to my very first article when a car pulls %HESITATION what if I want to a little thank you I'm going to die when you bottom out there like twenty five Bucks a pop right exactly that same trait thank you that's what I came to ask for help but I also like junk food all you need to get on you can make a point sorry %HESITATION there is quite a story so Yummy and well this is this is probably the Victorian %HESITATION business change transaction date she was %HESITATION or back pain when I was on a night like in my twelve or something like that he had these shoes an older lady long week I'm very well today she's changed course yes my mother felt that I needed assistance I think we should report on lessons John Sheedy I'm one of the things that she I'm gonna be out was that we all have to encourage never forgotten but I've never forgotten it must have arts everyone goes it's confused what is this one going on about it there you go are you some people go about it is a great breakfast table and it's really simple to try and see all those books here is looking at all the monthly thing weeks is probably one of the new ones only once every two weeks and you can get it going for you waiting around the stock so that's probably the one box cereals that you know you still kind of dangers okay based on the sugar content but we need to know god's house right even if you're gonna be cocky and you don't want to date are you looking it's actually a little because it really doesn't match I'm calling stomach down it's really cool to see yes that's right and you can also now you can do all these amazing yes all my god targeting apples like apple and apple juice apple juice and upgrade %HESITATION and %HESITATION you almond milk and coconut milk studies like archer all right yeah it's usually that's what I'm having all of it so good so you don't have to which is really lovely on the in some time just having that meeting could %HESITATION desk again adding all the beautiful fruits to our local changes contact regular milk which is so good for you %HESITATION this is great again if you make the so this is when I D. backs %HESITATION I would usually want gorgeous husband who is %HESITATION I'm dead now he does all the cooking that's why are we don't change it soccer it doesn't force all right which might I be all off the bench musically and it would last about a week so that everyone could just bring it out to another one that you can just do a big batch of it and it's just delicious and everyone can help themselves you know that's a great one sorry it's easy to have a healthy breakfast meat eggs omelets eggs still such a really wonderful self contained not get approaching %HESITATION all contracts in them %HESITATION if you'll be no not see Megan %HESITATION but they so good and a lot of how she you know you make up and all my and your you know throwing some chopped spinach %HESITATION you know trash smoked trout mushrooms you might like she threw you out you know a little bit about cheese and as well we can probably lactose free cheese or something like that %HESITATION and if you such a great breakfast and you can that will be describing schools already and one of the things that I did with the boys when I was teaching them to try to get them to cook was %HESITATION just get them to crack an egg into a mug and then they just put that in the mark white soon and then like things went on and on the top of it %HESITATION the card yes you just walking the walk why don't even worry about you keep spinning themselves on stars yeah just like you and me you mean yeah %HESITATION you know and then yeah yeah let's see what I will do that now now it's a great one exit such a great imposing food my console with mission when I was a teenager I thought I would John was very early tonight she's what looks almost opening and I put it in the microwave what with that increase in water in the microwave you just call on the pike they weren't hiding the seasoning one what's the name of the show going around right and luckily I left meeting I left the kitchen looks like you know I think he's %HESITATION marching band %HESITATION the Markle wife dole's learn are you can and there was an angle model like the kitchen and it all right get our strong clean that place up for my mom and I discovered what I do that with all the walls are it this is %HESITATION so I think the breakfast is easily easily %HESITATION incorporating grew up and you just you concentrations but it threatened to full for longer because all the old I. sorry breakfast breakfast breakfast just get rid of some of that sugary crap that we all dominate and replace it with just the whole foods %HESITATION things like come conservative I think it will make you know where you can this is an easy one because things like adding treatment and ginger and direct the strong as well you lost it said my mom's stories every healthy spots and every meal doesn't make sense so you can do to rex yep yep so it's very slow spots and we sold got into my so throw that in black or white enough along with red lentils is really good yes yeah so I mean as much as Mike what's in it and %HESITATION I'm going to indirection yeah in in doing that %HESITATION I'm doing everything I can to move out of the store %HESITATION so yes things like those things you can disguise in soups which are great and then you can also throw in extra weapons and a lot of people culture and in that side it is leaking it doesn't taste and it just keeps you up so it was such a great you know I'm such quite properties in particular being cold yeah %HESITATION the hostages so you already making pumpkin soup think about adding those things to help with that what did you need to fill up to our phone lines stacked against our dog are as well with your final grades out our yes just to fall and so that was really good I do you %HESITATION out pumpkin soup budging Salazar and then I'll talk with like lectures for entries and I grew up on the grill so you get that nice and cool I'm in a grand jury on top of the salad all strong so yeah that's an easy one because I'm sure everyone except %HESITATION but one thing I do have found that doesn't quite those boxes which I'll be making more lightly especially between all right Martel Brussels sprouts and roasted cauliflower all my lord when Tyson tried you on on the on the ones that love is churning out about pricing right thank you not gonna lie to them and the I mean the last night okay so this is my go to salad with roasted cauliflower and Brussels sprouts so %HESITATION rose that we've seen in injury from a sheet pan so easy just chop everything up I just want to win thank you eight anything you can do the spot just sprinkle it with treatment and treatment thank you yes yeah yeah %HESITATION and then toss that with some of the C. quality olive oil and salt %HESITATION tools they sell once on tables along these lines and what's in the offing usually for about thirty five minutes to get select most charming %HESITATION Boyle will not as it comes what good old enough to come up in Florence orphanage I generally true with the bar %HESITATION sprouts I'm too you can just lost them yes yeah you get a nice of come apart Michael is that comes out of the open and then I mix that with some oil which brown bands marching Ross here in Brandon is my boss you know it's not always G. all right yeah Ross is a large article means that it's in the system you for a long correct so %HESITATION %HESITATION mixed with that price of flight almonds chopped up dried cranberries chili flakes and guys in that you mix all that together just give it a bit hazy enemies the tastings so I want to make sure what have you all three different kinds of right thanks a lot for you sure are a mix of the two junior if you bring in once the dying it's what's required on the side but if you doing in terms of price chains %HESITATION really really good suggestion and pretty much everyone bought one house love that so and it's a fifteen year old boy Shakar box it is really really good and it's full of antioxidants vitamins C. Ellen hi properties in that recipe sorry yum yum I will actually all right yeah the %HESITATION disturbing health or bother lying on Jackson it's a little sweet stuff out there in the morning I'm gonna show you don't come with the recipe because that would be great welcome to teach check okay that would be just I get lasagna everyone loves they just hearings on your old mate baseless on now I'm always using the medic one you're looking at grass finished organic base we %HESITATION that has all the qualities that some proteins in it which is always a good few tell me as well on grass fed meat it's hard to make a three as well so %HESITATION that's what I got information %HESITATION and then I would you have done this to thinking that maybe we can get about half way back when not just to hold back a bit in the nation and add to %HESITATION lean tools into the mix to hear people nestles absolutely sorry we the when I started from me when %HESITATION I mean I'm right shoots right to be honest but also come from a place where we just didn't have the money sorry I don't want it now but what I used to do and I still bring out walls all I would have a little bit of means sort of means so it would last longer and then I would choose a Tina brown lentils or anything %HESITATION any spring starts in eight hours once and look twenty little by sort of %HESITATION my school clocked a little meat meat means my school words correct no one ever nice that's that's that's what I love you and then it saves money it's healthier for your thank you yeah good ones and actually helps Richard yeah absolutely stretches the %HESITATION your recipe as well due to some as some might not yet not because that's a really good one and then also %HESITATION by next week what are you doing or me trying something I usually email your work for the you don't get a mouthful we've got a whole for the whole day yeah I mean you just all you can structure I know I have had one of my the card and it tastes like something's wrong %HESITATION and then obviously the Mike Ilitch Terry invasion you can use always using spinach broccoli chickpeas can really brings the fantastic as well sorry %HESITATION yeah I just lost it are you guys going hog wild and you can add in your extra help and coaching yeah and what he will see you doing in there that help with cooking you can gonna is offering is what we're all starting to keep this is a really popular one again one as well Mexican taco bowls these guys down actually trade and it is really good because I can make sure you and I can also spoke at the different proteins %HESITATION based on everyone's heart because it got made it is going to go local people just kind of worried about that's right sorry %HESITATION gives you got you can use basic phones you can use chicken fish what about we just happened to tarian versions so %HESITATION yeah the Mexican spice blend done by the commission is false claims from supermarket or you can get natural organic ones from the model market it %HESITATION if you want to because you don't get a commission for Bostic's is it and then she made all your calls or will you be doing chicken it's thoughtful industry leading teams sold nine because you just want to drink and light is easy file I'm just trying to study shows satellite it's a wise %HESITATION initial I just you know will buy electric tools on the line or just straight talk %HESITATION I got done but it's because it's all just you don't need it not you don't need it and if you packaging's Weiss the team needs one it's right here on my end I think if you've got kids that are fussy %HESITATION opiates my real spectrum %HESITATION I think these kinds of recipes right %HESITATION what the parade arboles tree because its whole compartments once why does the things that I feel I can on my youngest feels that he can just sort of crap beats that he wants from each section in this article no that's right and the great thing so you can use that to the Mexican next you can self you can use that using garlic powder ground cumin ground coriander chili powder smoked paprika cinnamon as well and can yes that one's going to be I can put my Mexicans boss speaks into that again you can like hold that he's keeping his help what time or whatever trouble contend job yet just grab out of that you know when you need it but please it is absolute rubbish %HESITATION sometimes you can also you can dry roast in the pan will release all the aromatics before adding to you know you'll you'll cry chains what have you but I mean building that into crocheting and then you build up your ball with your hands cool and it might make sense to me I need tomato and cucumber finely chopped up a little balls and black beans a fantastic all was well again Graham Ross as well as a calling right always goes down a treat Korean it's Chuck dot I know I've lost big lettuce seems quite well hello it's crunchy and it's just as on the left I was bashing and then putting a little %HESITATION because legislation and that's what you talk you know when you used to talk about right sorry Mexican balls of fantastical bright eye balls of greeting each week and then not buying cold each will get a cold chips or something like that you can use yes you will also get stuff in the bottle so it that's always been on Harvard now house and that's a really easy for me pointing out instead of doing the traditional tacos are great I think doing business correct it and makes you know so yeah off on mixing bowls or by going off really well %HESITATION sweets and desserts walls and that's what thanks Anderson yeah that's that's the do not I look straight at the dessert section and you having a current right back mmhm so buys you use %HESITATION so this is going to be making a lot lately because again it's winter it's cold but my apple crumble and %HESITATION which you know I love that or not all right yeah correct sorry this is a staple that most households and usually loves and so again I just green apples I just write them down in some were shot and lemon juice and cinnamon I don and shook off yeah don't need that you don't need to eat because it did the apples to have some great my boss so you get done adding sugar to eating out of the apples and the topping again on my arms I put I put with three points Laubach almond meal opening there is going to put a single cinnamon girl sometimes we cannot okay you're gonna make a release and %HESITATION you'll be a bottle you better will change you %HESITATION maybe a month little bit it's got sugar in that the losses excellent the talking sinks into the rubble and it's Jesus down the alternate content creates lost like natural there is such a great night such a popular one is that she doesn't have that again try not like one on that one getting a complete array on everything that apple couples with a great dessert option and you can we could increase gradient the place over for sure flowers and bleach flowers bins more if you can just write these old greens instead he's still having a really beautiful young does it but it's so much better for you I'm not sure how to create things will get these alternatives to something you know just just look at all the main you've gone Google yes bank it's my sport you know I want to help your alternative for apple crumble topping and you'll get that and come up with it sorry you know you don't just sort of going through all these works and speaking to someone just Google did you get that to go off to some far flung place to go something solid now or was it not these guys have anything not much %HESITATION crackles and healthy life could you should talk which means I was such a great party start from my back and okay we can go on if you want the pricing tables in the food of the decade I have them they are charged in my house again lazy lazy H. also we're going to have lots of snacks and that's one thing that is why he's been my massive batch that lost a couple weeks and all of us describe grab them because they just moved a special court suite two yeah yeah it's a great option and you need a snack I'm going to approach involves a cycle M. and so everything from cutting out sugar dark chocolate almond meal coconut flowers %HESITATION you know dried cranberries dried other drummers you know you write a carrot you know I in a bottle is the the ingredient of my life %HESITATION dried I called all those things almost all that money yep %HESITATION otherwise it's not a recipe for one breaking ball we thank these arching just the just the deadlock yeah you can do anything with them and make them any which way anything that you want something that Michael stick together right okay not old you know Michael Sears colossal blunder by somebody's together so just to be reset again this is in many projects recipes on the %HESITATION on the internet and we have a couple now being sought as well so and then you walk in a bit of pain as well just I think that's what it is it's about %HESITATION preparing school wait and are not from me %HESITATION you know I used to subtly by the whole all round which we find growing up and it's not not it's not ideal so I have to really rethink she's a cardholder on also on why something %HESITATION to re think about you know how I actually want to eat this is how I should be writing songs the mates having a pricing bowls on tap on or I'll have a heart and she come by any of the sticky connecting calls in a thing called up already and always on the street and then you can just you can get one or you can write them they're really easy with the check just putting it in Java or something when Dr Haynes the only boil up in us all and yet and and injuries it got you have to go if you want to as well %HESITATION my bicycle yeah you wanna if you wanna Ronnie's by Jack Jack the talks on what on what that three one three three recipes ring ring ring that's me and I just got on the wall it is still going to be a battle we need to shine okay so just choose which you're almost your Mike %HESITATION and then I think it's also are you %HESITATION giving you the opportunity to keep things as well %HESITATION and then even my king you'll earn little sources and stuff like I loved you lock my king %HESITATION your mental blocks you Basil okay start stars yes sorry all get you on the muzzle and then the only Boylan thank god or even better chili and then you can phrase these things in school are skewed to live an austere Trice %HESITATION so I think it's looking at what can you bring my so get your wakes it up the spring these put everything in a little containers you breakfast is done when you got your pricing bowls ready you've got some vegetables even steaks with a deep to help with that and then you know it might be look at some meals that you can also our troops is whatever he's armed you can phrase and that is all there ready to guard yeah absolutely and I think differently that he's has a lot of these things chalked up because I mean I could put a note in there and I just kept the water will hold it back in and it set me free correct you got touched no but if I put it in the meantime %HESITATION already chopped up it's gonna cancel it or what or things yeah on a cot right so tight you know I write anything now this one is actually paid to them it's ridiculous but %HESITATION and speaking of that you have I don't think using so hopefully we can slide you need some recipe ideas what most are headed maybe adapt your existing recipes that you recall with some healthy options in terms of ingredients and how that is really going to be a quite impact on fuel yes she got help with that's what you like yeah %HESITATION so that's been a lot of fun if you had some risky ID's you want to share them with us I see coming yeah it's very very anyone the one true for example a chocolate C. requires %HESITATION but you can get in touch with us either by Instagram %HESITATION hopefully own even going home health as well contact us Instagram and Facebook %HESITATION what you think of your recipe ideas of what you've got the one else always helps because sometimes you just got a whole life in twenty one just sending me so I'm I'm open to that %HESITATION Frank thanks state it was a great time that was a great chat and %HESITATION yeah you can seem to be getting lost all you've been listening to the briny quality lifestyle it it I don't cuss medics lecturing without the guilt

2023-08-14 00:48:00
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