Journal your way to Wellbeing

We often talk about nourishment of our bodies inside and out. However feeding our hearts and minds is just as important. Yet, we get caught up in our daily routines, leaving little room to track our emotional and mental health. That's where a wellness diary comes in handy. The popularity of wellness journals over the last decade as a recommended tool by mental health professionals, is a simple yet effective way for us to gain insight into our wellbeing, make healthier choices, and enhance our overall quality of life. Adorn understands that quality of life is not just about how you look, it is about how you feel. So as part of our 15 year birthday celebrations and a time when we have reflected on the brand's journey, we felt that internal reflection is healthy for us all, which is why we decided to create our own Adorn Wellness Diary.

Adorn Bulgarian Rosewater MistAdorn Bulgarian Rosewater Mist

While naturally pretty and Adorned in all the right ways, the Adorn Wellness Diary has been created by our founder Briony, not to intimidate or sit dormant on the night stand, but to help you get the most out of your day. It is broken down into helpful snippets that can be tailored to the way you want depending on how you want to incorporate a wellness diary into your daily routine. Below are some ways to you can make the most out of penning your way to better wellbeing.

Set Clear Goals

What aspects of your well-being do you want to improve? Whether it's managing stress, improving your fitness, or enhancing your nutrition, having defined objectives will help you stay focused and motivated.


Daily Reflections

Make it a habit to record your daily reflections. Include details about your mood, energy levels, sleep quality, and any noteworthy events or experiences. Be honest with yourself, as this will provide valuable insights into the patterns and triggers affecting your well-being. Work out a time that best suits you to journal. Is it in the morning when you wake, at lunch to help you power through the rest of the day, or at night in bed to help calm your mind. Create a habit that is hard to break.


Track Your Habits

Use your wellness diary to track your daily habits. Record your meals, exercise routines, and any relaxation techniques or mindfulness exercises you engage in. Tracking your habits can help you identify areas where you're succeeding and where improvements are needed.


Identify Triggers

If you notice fluctuations in your mood or energy, try to identify triggers. Note any stressors, dietary choices, or lifestyle factors that may be contributing to these changes. Recognising patterns can empower you to make informed adjustments to your routine.


Celebrate Achievements

Don't forget to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Did you stick to your workout plan for a week? Did you make healthier food choices? Celebrate these victories in your wellness diary to boost your motivation and self-confidence.


Review and Adjust

Regularly review your wellness diary entries. Look for trends and connections between your habits, mood, and overall well-being. Use this information to adjust your goals and strategies as needed. Your diary can be a powerful tool for continuous independent self-improvement.


Seek Accountability and Support

Consider sharing your wellness journey with a friend, family member, dietitian, or therapist. They can provide support and accountability, helping you stay committed to your wellbeing goals. You can also seek inspiration from online wellness communities or support groups. Adorn also recommends that should you or anyone you know need emergency support then please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or consider accessing services or information from organisations such The Butterfly Foundation or Headspace.


Using a wellness diary is a simple yet effective way to prioritise self-care and improve your overall wellbeing. By consistently tracking your habits, emotions, and reflections, you gain valuable insights that can lead to positive lifestyle changes. So, take the first step toward a healthier and happier you by starting your wellness diary today. Your wellbeing is worth the investment of time and effort!

2023-10-04 11:00:00
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