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Achieving flawless foundation is a skill worth perfecting to achieve incredible, healthy-looking skin.
Young female applying a red lipstick in the back seat of a car
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How to Parent in the Digital Age

It doesn’t matter if it’s your first, third or last child - parenting is never easy and contrary to what we may be led to believe - technology hasn’t necessarily helped. Navigating parenthood and finding your style of doing things takes time, but teaching your kids boundaries and trust (especially around screen time), can take even longer.

How to Build a Personal Brand

We’ve all thought it: I want to make something out of myself. So, we start brainstorming. We ask ourselves, what we could do? We might tell our friends, start a Google drive and make a few contacts but somewhere between the commas and calls, we stagger. Self-doubt, money, and life continue blocking us at every corner until we talk ourselves into stopping. 

The Road to Self-Love

‘Self-love’ is a term thrown around a lot. We’re used to being told it looks like a bath, some wine and a face mask but self-love is a far cry from the material possessions that we’re encouraged to reach for. It’s not something that sits on a shelf, in a cart or across the counter. In fact, it cannot be touched, only felt. Throughout my life, negative self-talk, and ingrained insecurities distracted me from the hard, but necessary lesson of self-acceptance.

Business and Pleasure: Navigating Every Relationship

Relationships. Yep, I’m going there. Professional, personal, romantic or complicated, the bonds we build with people throughout our lives say so much about who we are - sometimes for the worse but mostly for the better. In today’s episode, I’m unpacking the importance of loneliness, how to make valuable connections and the strategies I’ve used in both my personal and professional life to build trusting respectful and meaningful relationships. Take it from me, it did not happen overnight (and it certainly didn’t happen in my twenties), but it did happen, and like all good things, it just took some time.

How to Start a Business’ Series Debut Part 1: Coming Up With Your Business Idea

It didn’t start with making my own foundation but teaching others how to apply theirs. The steps and reiterations from that initial business to the company I run now (Adorn Cosmetics), wasn’t on my plan but after testing the waters and seeing opportunity, an idea became a fully fledged business.

How to Strengthen our Focus in a Busy World

As someone who runs a business and a household with three kids, it’s rare I get a chance to myself, let alone a chance to consider the bigger picture. But with some practise (and failures), I have come to understand what tools enable me to stay focused.